All posts tagged: mussels

cleaning fish on the rocks in a magical environment during a fish soup cooking lesson

Fish soup

In this lessons you will scrounge up all the secrets how to cook a smooth and delicious Sardinian fish soup with a huge selection of different species cooked all together in the same dish.

Fregola with clams and mussels sprinkled with grey mullet bottarga

I’ve always been fascinated by how many different dishes you can create using just, eggs and flour. Fregola is a sardinian couscous like rounded shaped kind of pasta the preparation of which (starting from scratch with your bare hands) is a lot of fun. Most people consider fregola with clams one of the staples in the entire cooking Sardinia tradition, especially down in the south. In the current recipe I am going to present a version of mine of the dish, varied by adding mussels and grey mullet bottarga. Simple, yet stylish this dish is a good example of balance between flavours.